在纽约气候周上讨论气候健康关系 & UNGA78


The devastating impact of climate change extends far beyond the heatwaves, droughts, flooding, 冬季的风暴, 飓风和野火席卷了整个世界 频率增加.1

The impact is reverberating through economies, which if left unchecked could cost the world 178万亿美元2 在接下来的50年里. It 是危及 公共卫生 四分之一的死亡3 在全球范围内归因于环境因素. And it disproportionately burdens the most vulnerable, potentially driving 1.32亿年4 到2030年将有更多的人陷入极端贫困.

良好健康是可持续未来的核心,而且十分紧迫, transformative climate action is needed now to halt the current trajectory and deliver on the 2030年可持续发展议程5这是78页的重点th Session of the 联合国 General Assembly (UNGA) and Climate Week NYC taking place 17 – 26  September 2023. 尽管统计数字令人生畏, scalable solutions are already at work and numerous examples of impactful public-private partnerships show that progress can 必须解决气候危机及其对健康的影响.



From the lasting impacts of COVID-19 to the mounting impacts of the environment on population health, health systems around the world are under-resourced and overburdened. Climate-related deaths are growing, with air pollution alone responsible for nearly 700万人死亡6 per year globally and the number of heat-related deaths projected to 到2050年翻三倍7 没有重大行动. 非传染性疾病——如心脏病, cancers, respiratory illnesses – and infectious diseases linked to environmental factors are both rising rapidly, 儿童等弱势群体, 低收入社区, older populations and those with underlying health conditions most affected.

To ensure that health systems are fit to respond to the needs of today and tomorrow, we’re committed to working toward a future where health systems are:

  • Resilient and able to adapt and respond to both current needs and future shocks;
  • Equitable, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to live their healthiest life; and
  • Net zero, improving health outcomes while limiting the environmental impact of care.

卫生部门内外的合作至关重要, 推动大规模行动的公私伙伴关系也是如此.


At the heart of the healthcare sector is improving health and saving lives, 但同时, the sector is also a significant contributor to the climate crisis - approximately 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are attributed to the healthcare sector.8

澳门葡京网赌游戏, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在采取大胆的气候行动, recognising the deep connection between healthy people and a healthy planet. 通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的旗舰10亿美元 零碳雄心 programme and $400 million commitment to plant and maintain 200 million trees by the end of 2030 through AZ Forest, we are working to halve our absolute emissions by 2030 and achieve science-based net zero by 2045 at the latest.

To do this, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在最大限度地提高能源效率, 转向可再生能源, and investing in nature-based removals to compensate for any residual footprint. We’re making good progress, so far we’ve achieved the following, all from a 2015 baseline:

  • 缩小范围1&2 .温室气体排放量减少59.3%
  • 用水量减少18%.7%
  • 减少浪费18%.6%

作为澳门葡京赌博游戏绿色转型的一部分, we’re forging innovative new partnerships with renewable energy companies to provide 将清洁的热能输送到美国和英国,这也有助于循环经济.9,10,11

在气候周和联合国大会期间, 最佳实践, learnings and examples from public-private partnerships around the world will show the transition to sustainable, equitable, 有复原力的卫生系统是可以实现的. The progress made in these forums will be critical steppingstones on the road to the first-ever health day at COP28.  




1.  关于气候紧急情况的事实. 联合国环境规划署. (n.d.). http://www.unep.org/facts-about-climate-emergency

2.  Deloitte. (2023年5月23日). Deloitte research reveals inaction on climate change could cost the world’s economy US$178 trillion by 2070. http://www.deloitte.com/global/en/about/press-room/deloitte-research-reveals-inaction-on-climate-change-could-cost-the-world-economy-us-dollar-178-trillion-by-2070.html

3.  世界卫生组织. (2018年2月26日). 通过健康环境预防疾病. http://www.who.int/news-room/facts-in-pictures/detail/preventing-disease-through-healthy-environments#:~:text=Nearly%201%20in%204%20deaths,working%20in%20an%20unhealthy%20environment.

4.  Hallegatte,年代., & Walsh, B. (2020年10月7日). Covid、气候变化和贫困:避免最严重的影响. http://blogs.worldbank.org/climatechange/covid-climate-change-and-poverty-avoiding-worst-impacts

5.  联合国. (n.d.). Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development | department of economic and social affairs. http://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda#:~:text=We%20resolve%2C%20between%20now%20and,protection%20of%20the%20planet%20and

6.  世界卫生组织. 空气污染http://www.who.int/health-topics/air-pollution#tab=tab_1 [Last accessed: 13 September 2023]

7.  BBC (2023, July 18) Climate change: Heat deaths could 到2050年翻三倍. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62179678

8.  刘建军,刘建军,刘建军. 医疗保健碳足迹的国际比较. IOP Science[在线]. 2019. 可在:http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ab19e1/meta#erlab19e1s3 [Last accessed: 08 September 2023]

9.  澳门葡京网赌游戏. 零碳雄心. [Online]. 2022. 可在:http://www.AstraZeneca.com/sustainability/environmental-protection/ambition-zero-carbon.html[最后访问日期:2023年9月8日] 

10. 澳门葡京网赌游戏. 零碳雄心. [Online]. 2022. 可在:http://www.AstraZeneca.com/sustainability/environmental-protection/ambition-zero-carbon.html[最后访问日期:2023年9月8日]

11. 澳门葡京网赌游戏. Powering emissions reductions with clean heat and renewable energy [online]. 2023. http://www.AstraZeneca.com/media-centre/articles/2023/powering-emissions-reductions-clean-heat-renewable-energy.html[最后访问日期:2023年9月14日]

12. 澳门葡京网赌游戏. 青少年健康计划. [Online]. 2023. 可在:http://www.yhp.澳门葡京网赌游戏.com/[最后访问日期:2023年9月8日] 

13. PHSSR. 卫生系统可持续性和复原力伙伴关系. [Online]. 2023. 可在:http://www.phssr.org/home[最后访问日期:2023年9月8日] 


  • 可持续性