我是副首席科学家,在药物开发部门工作. 我的工作是确保澳门葡京赌博游戏研发管线中药品的微生物安全性. 我致力于改善无菌和非无菌产品的微生物控制策略,从首次进入人类到撰写营销应用和商业化支持.

I joined AstraZeneca in 2000 as laboratory technician, 在利物浦大学获得微生物学学位后. I went on to work in early development as a formulation scientist, when I first learned about “3Rs initiatives”, which look at ‘Replacement, Reduction and Refinement’ for the use of animals in science. I then returned to microbiology in 2012.

In recent years, 我一直在从事一个非常令人兴奋的项目,我觉得这将有助于发展澳门葡京赌博游戏在内毒素测试中使用动物的方法. In 2016, 国际自然保护联盟宣布北大西洋马蹄蟹的保护状况为“脆弱”。. I knew that this would have a direct impact on AstraZeneca, 从马蹄蟹的血液中提取的裂解物通常用于细菌内毒素的检测. Like other pharmaceutical companies, 澳门葡京赌博游戏对注射产品及其输入材料进行此测试,以满足法规和患者安全要求. However, the mortality rate in the bleeding process is low, and the majority of crabs are returned to the ocean alive.

我想了解这种脆弱的状态对这个奇妙的物种意味着什么, that had outlived dinosaurs, and how that might impact AstraZeneca and coastal biodiversity. 我发现这是一个复杂的问题,对螃蟹有多重威胁, 包括人类开发的海岸线和用作诱饵和生物医学工业. 我还可以看到,在裂解液供应商积极捕捞的亚种群, legislation was in place, which meant the crabs had additional protection, providing population stability. As part of our focus on sustainability, 我开始寻找解决这一挑战的方法,并在澳门葡京赌博游戏的开发组合中减少马蹄蟹血的使用.

我热衷于推动澳门葡京网赌游戏的持续改进. I firmly believe that each of us can impact the sustainability agenda; all of our small activities can add together to make a big impact. If we turn our back on the horseshoe crabs, who else will save them?

Miriam Guest 副首席科学家,微生物学,制药技术和发展

2017年,我担任了澳门葡京网赌游戏全球微生物学论坛的负责人, which brings together our microbiology laboratories, driving standardisation to meet regulatory requirements, 并确保澳门葡京赌博游戏的实验室准备好满足未来复杂和多样化的开发组合的需求. 通过论坛,我看到了澳门葡京赌博游戏在全球内毒素检测方面所做的工作. 我发现澳门葡京赌博游戏使用了七种不同的分析方法来测试澳门葡京赌博游戏的制药用水, 在全球范围内使用了大约17升裂解物,可能高达8升,500 crab bleeds per year. However, 其中一种方法是使用微流控药筒的快速技术,可将马蹄蟹血(裂解液)的使用减少95%.

澳门葡京赌博游戏的科学站点一起进行这项测试,以了解他们面临的更广泛的挑战, the volume of testing and the impact on their labs, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是了解澳门葡京赌博游戏是否可以在整个网络中采用单一技术. By switching to the microfluidic cartridge for each of these tests, 澳门葡京赌博游戏可以将裂解物的消耗量减少到每年不到一升. Additional benefits would be increased efficiency in the labs, less hands-on time, faster time to result, increased data integrity and process robustness.

With the agreement of our sites, I approached our leadership, explained the situation and put forward the proposal to address it. 在他们的支持下,澳门葡京赌博游戏得到了改进运营方式的批准. 目前,澳门葡京赌博游戏正致力于在整个网络中安装这项技术,并将马蹄蟹血的使用降到最低水平, 同时仍然支持对物种的特殊保护,通过保持较小规模的裂解物来源成为可能. 我热衷于推动澳门葡京网赌游戏的持续改进. I firmly believe that each of us can impact the sustainability agenda; all of our small activities can add together to make a big impact. If we turn our back on the horseshoe crabs, who else will save them?




Shortlisted for AstraZeneca Global Operations Award


AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Technology & Development Ambassador of the Year Award


AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Technology & Development STEM Ambassador of the Year Award

Featured presentations


NC3Rs Project Licence Holders Forum, March 2019.

Sterility Assurance Strategy Without Boarders

NC3Rs Project Licence Holders Forum, March 2019.

替代微生物方法:澳门葡京网赌游戏,葛兰素史克,默沙东,强生 & Johnson’s and Roche’s Global Implementation Roadmap

PharmaLab Congress, 2018. Congress Keynote Speech.


The 8th APS国际药物科学会议,2017年9月.